Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Antique Dollhouses: The Business Side

Organizing a dollhouse collection is no joke, considering the multitude of factors and the attitude that you must have with regard to do it. Dollhouses may be a toy to some, but to most, like in the case of dedicated collectors, they are an obsession and can fetch a hefty sum. However, this only covers dollhouses that have been made in the past – hand carved and painted by renowned craftsmen and painters – and not the plastic ones that are mass produced and are played on by children today.
Back in the day, dollhouses were a symbol of wealth, since they were mostly owned by children of rich families. These toys were not mass produced in Europe until the start of the Industrial Revolution, where machines were able to help out in the creation process. In the middle of the 20th century, at the time where plastic toys were introduced, the prices and the effort took in their creation were drastically downsized, however, this did not hinder their quality. The miniature pieces are also mass produced, however, these are of lower quality since these do not pay much attention to details. Ones that are handmade are a pricey commodity, but in terms of aesthetics, they are a must-have.